Garmin, ransomware and you

In this episode of The AM Show, Paul sat down with Duncan Garner to chat about Garmin’s Ransomware incident and how Ransomware affect individuals and...

Less stress at work with tech tools

In this episode of The AM Show, Paul sat down with Duncan Garner to chat about how we can utilise technology to reduce stress in our work lives. Listen in to receive some great tips and gain insights as to which technology tools can make our lives more productive and...

The limitations of A.I.

Following the horrific events that occurred in Christchurch, Paul Spain and the team at The AM Show discuss the current limitations of A.I. and how it failed to detect the live video feed of the event on...

Is Cloud Computing right for your business?

You have probably heard at some point the nursery rhyme “Rain, Rain, Go Away”. Well it seems that some people don’t just dislike the rain – but cloud (computing) too. Does it make sense or are these people actually causing harm to their organisations? Paul Spain has...